Nicks' Story

Nick's Story

Nick was in a long-term relationship; this was of a volatile nature and Nick lived with being coerced for many years. Nick was in a very dark place and knew he had to get out of the relationship, which he did. Nick eventually met someone, who he said was the love of his life and they were so very happy together. However, unexpectedly Nick was arrested, charged and given a custodial sentence which Nick says, destroyed him.

Nick was at his tethers end when he learned that his partner was terminally ill. Nick was not able to visit her and she passed away without Nick being at her side. After serving his sentence, Nick was released as homeless and this is when he came to the Falcon Support Services.

After a few weeks, Nick moved from the Falcon Centre into a semi-independent living, this was within one of our supported living projects. Nick loved it and made it feel like home. Nick became the resident’s representative, which boosted Nick confidence. Nick was a popular resident, and this was good for his mental health.

Nick and his support worker completed a housing application and eventually, he was given a bidding number. Nick’s said he ideally wanted ground floor property due to health issues.

There were no properties matching Nick’s criteria for weeks upon end, Nick’s anxiety was becoming worse, and yet, all he wanted was place of his own, his forever home.

Nick and his support worker continued to chase and eventually, Nick’s suspension was lifted, and he was able to bid.

Within two weeks, there were three properties that matched Nick’s criteria, he bid on all three over a period, knowing which one he wanted, and he waited. Nick has been offered the property that he wanted and is ecstatic. Nick is waiting for his keys and said, had it of been for the Falcon Support Services, he does not know where he would be. Followed by “Most probably homeless and alone”

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Falcon Support Services is a Registered Charity

Charity number: 1103101. Company number: 04177320