Ted's Story

Ted's Story

Ted was referred to the Falcon Centre as he was rough sleeping. He presented with anxiety and depression, which he was diagnosed with 5 years prior and with alcohol misuse, which had been an issue for 10 years. He was still drinking when he first came to the Falcon Centre.

He started working with the Recovery Negotiator again, who he’d met before when he signed up to Exaireo. He started attending AA meetings regularly. He started engaging with the weekly activities Harm Reduction organise and going to the gym with our Fundraising and Communications manager on a regular basis, even getting his own membership. He signed up to the mentor scheme as well.

Due to his hard work with reducing his alcohol consumption and determination to engage with all the support offered, he was offered an internal move to an alternative accommodation, where residents can live more independently. The stress of moving did cause him to have a lapse, but he quickly started engaging with support again and got back on track. He hasn’t had an alcoholic beverage in 7 weeks.

He has completed a cooking course, which has taught him how to plan his meals and therefore budget. He will be playing guitar, whilst one of our Support Assistants sings at Falcon Fest. He continues to partake in activities held by Harm Reduction. For example, he was offered and took the chance to go to Alton Towers and is playing in a football tournament. He is also going to partake in a street art class and wants to get involved in a mental health awareness course.

Teds completed a housing application and is just waiting for his bidding number.
Ted was referred to our Harm Reduction team and enjoys all the activities he does with them, as they keep him in a routine and give him reason not to drink.
Ted receives regular support from his mentor and attends Harm Reduction activities with him.

Ted has a flat in Beauchief Apartments, where he lives more independently. Ted says he has a great support network around him and routine back in his life. He feels physically and mentally better than he has in a long time. His relationship with his family has improved greatly and so have his finances, due to the budgeting skills he’s been taught in the
cooking course and via using John Storer House. He has been able to build up his collection of clothes again.

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Falcon Support Services is a Registered Charity

Charity number: 1103101. Company number: 04177320